NACOSS met on 29 January 2020 and the following were the main issues discussed

  • Despite NACOSS asking the Department of Social Development for updates on the current status of various policy documents, no information has been received. These policies relate to the Financing Policy for NPOs; the Partnership Model; and the draft White Paper for Social Development.
  • After having frequently asked when the National Forum for NPOs and DSD will meet, NACOSS was informed that a meeting will take place before the end of this financial year. This means that the Forum will not have met for a year although at least 3 meetings per year were mooted initially.
  • There has been no progress regarding the implementation of the Advisory Board for Social Development Act 3 of 2001. This Act was promulgated in 2001 with the aim of building and consolidating the partnership between civil society and government.  It is nearly 20 years now since it was passed and nothing has transpired despite NACOSS repeatedly enquiring about this.

    Based on the lack of communication and progress outlined above, NACOSS decided to ask for a meeting with the Minister for Social Development

  • It was gratifying to learn that after 5 years since NACOSS worked on the Special Needs Group Housing Policy together with the Department of Human Settlements and other role players there now appears to be definite momentum to get this Policy passed by the Minister for Human Settlements. This Policy will assist NGOs to erect and upgrade housing for special needs groups, e.g. abused women, older persons, children, people with disabilities, substance abusers, etc.
  • Malcolm McCarthy from the National Social Housing Organisation gave a presentation on social housing. It is clear that social housing offers opportunities for NGOs to provide affordable housing for people with limited incomes in urban areas and even people with special needs that can be explored.
  • NACOSS expressed great concern about the allegations of corruption regarding NLDTF funds. NACOSS joined forces with other organisations some time ago and analysed the high remunerations paid to personnel as well as the alarming increase in the cost of administering the NLC and the NLDTF.  NACOSS will consult with other stakeholders and decide on a plan of action.
  • A number of NACOSS members reported experiencing difficulties with the NPO Directorate that present obstacles to their service delivery. NACOSS will follow these up with the NPO Directorate and make every attempt to have these resolved.
  • NACOSS held its AGM also on 29 January 2020. Dr Botha van Aarde was elected as Chairperson and Naku Masuku as Vice-Chairperson.